For the first time ever, join Master Photographers Henry Batdeleg and Jason Buff for an exclusive in-depth look at their studio lighting techniques. Together, armed with our amazing sponsor StellaPro, we will go in depth to discuss how we use studio lights to craft award-winning images. This class is primarily intended for those who have a basic knowledge of studio lighting, however all levels are welcome. Even if you are completely new to studio lighting, we will work with you to make sure you come out feeling confident and ready to add studio lighting to your list of services. Whatever level you’re at right now, this class will certainly be a game-changer.
What Will We do?
You’ll be getting two workshops in one, with two photographers who have vastly different lighting techniques. You will have the opportunity not only to learn how both Jason and Henry work, but also create your own images with their guidance. It’s a wonderful time to get out any of your insecurities about lighting and break through to the next level. Depending on the class size, there will be two groups. Each group will work individually with both photographers. They will both discuss their distinct ways of working in the studio with models, art direction, and of course lighting styles. Then you will have the opportunity to take your own images and build your portfolio. You will have the opportunity to work with models and design concepts.
Why Should I Attend?
A deep understanding of studio lighting is an essential part of any photographer’s arsenal. Simply adding studio lighting to your list of services will double or even quadruple your earnings. Even if you are primarily a natural light photographer, having a backup flash and modifier can ensure you don’t end up with dreary bland shots in poor lighting situations.
In order to meet the needs of all class participants, class size will be limited.
Special Guest: Marietta Hardwick Tradeshow Director at UAF
When: September 2, 2022
Location: 93 Berkshire Dr, suite B, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Time: 1:00PM-5:00PM
Discount Code: FRIEND50 (50% OFF)
Location: 93 Berkshire Dr, suite B, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Time: 1:00PM-5:00PM
Discount Code: FRIEND50 (50% OFF)